Saturday, 16 March 2024

The Art of Architecture

 The Art of Architecture

Architecture is an art, science and symbol of civilization dating back thousands of years, and it combines beauty and function and leaves behind a historical imprint that indicates the sophistication and intelligence of people in that era of time.

How architecture began

 Stone, clay and wood were the basic materials used in construction from the beginning, but stone was the most attractive and requested material, and it was transported from one place to another for use. It is considered a strong material, and its hardness and durability give the architect 

a sense of strength and confidence.

 Types of architecture over time   

  Umayyad. Greek and Roman classical architecture. Victorian architecture. Ancient Egyptian architecture. Architecture Islamic architecture.Byzantine architecture. Gothic architecture. Baroque architecture. Oriental architecture. Expressive architecture. Modern architecture. Post-contemporary architecture. Art Deco architecture.

Turning ordinary architecture into glass architecture

Architectural glass is glass used in the vicinity of the building due to its transparency or reflection and is safe.

The first glass building constructed was the Crystal Palace in London in 1851.

The most famous architects throughout history 

 Frank Lloyd  Wright . in America. (June 8, 1867 – April 9, 1959) 

- Mies van der Rohe. (1886 - 1969) in Germany.   

- Philip Johnson. (1906 - 2005) in America.

- Yero Sarinen. (1910 - 1961) in America. 

- Richard Rogers. (23 July 1933 – 18 December 2021) United Kingdom. 

- Frank Gehry. (February 28, 1929) in Canada.  

- Norman Foster. (June 1, 1935) in the United Kingdom.

The art of architectural engineering is the embodiment of culture and creativity, and it combines science, technology and civilization to serve the community and preserve the environment.  

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